Rumor del mal, escenarios de paz: narraciones de maestros rurales




Teacher, armed conflict, rural education, narration, peace


Rumor of Evil, Peace Settings: Rural Teachers’ Narrations

Boato do mal, cenários de paz: narrações de professores rurais

This article compiles the voices of teachers from some settings where the Colombian armed conflict has been intensely experienced. It derives from the research titled “Narratives of Peace in Rural Educational Contexts. The Teachers’ Voices,” whose aim is to identify the abilities, experiences, and knowledge of teachers from multiple contexts. It was carried out with a phenomenological perspective, which guides the description, comparison, explanation, and understanding of the study from the perspective of participants. A type of discourse in which their voices are collected is the anecdote, which approaches the subjectivities of participants. This article introduces some theoretical elements on the subject of evil, shows the first findings, and ends with a thesis resulting from the interpretation of the analyzed categories. According to one of the findings, it can be affirmed that, although evil remains in those territories, good is reflected in rural teachers’ hope and educational intentions for their students; therefore, good materializes as human dignity in rural schools.

Para citar este artículo / To reference this article / Para citar este artigo
Echavarría, C. V.Vanegas, J. H.González-Meléndez, L. L. y Bernal-Ospina, J. S. (2020). Rumor del mal, escenarios de paz: narraciones de maestros rurales. Educación y Educadores, 23(1), 9-28.

Recibido: 02/04/2019

Aceptado: 13/02/2020

Publicado: 13/04/2020

Financiación: This article derives from the research project “Narratives of Peace in Rural Educational Contexts. The Teachers’ Voices,” financed by Colciencias (CT: 039-2018) and Universidad La Salle, Universidad Autónoma de Manizales, and Universidad de Caldas. On the part of the “Citizen Education, Ethics and Politics for Peace” research group, the following participate as researchers: Carlos Valerio Echavarría Grajales (principal researcher); Adriana Otálora-Buitrago, Irene Sofía Romero-Otero, José Luis Meza, Paola Ruíz Gómez, Diana Esperanza Carmona, Lizeth Lorena González-Meléndez, and Julián Santiago Bernal-Ospina (co-researchers); from the “Intersubjectivity in Higher Education” group, Libardo Pérez Díaz (co-researcher); from the “Symbolic Worlds. Studies in Education and Daily Life” group, Hernán Humberto Vargas López (co-researcher), and from the “Ethics and Politics” group, José Hoover Vanegas García (co-researcher).


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Author Biography

José Hoover Vanegas Garcia, Universidad Autónoma de Manizales

Departamento de ciencias humanas, Profesor e investigador Titular


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How to Cite

Vanegas Garcia, J. H., Echavarría Grajales, C. V., González-Meléndez, L. L., & Bernal-Ospina, J. S. (2020). Rumor del mal, escenarios de paz: narraciones de maestros rurales. Educación Y Educadores, 23(1), 9–28.



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