Diseño de tareas para promover aprendizaje autorregulado en la universidad





Self-regulated learning, university students, teacher training, teacher education, university pedagogy, teaching practice


Task Design to Promote Self-Regulated Learning at University

Elaboração de tarefas para promover a aprendizagem autorregulada na universidade

This article intends to propose guidelines for the design and implementation of academic tasks that favor self-regulated learning in university students. These guidelines consider two themes: task structure and assessment. The structure has to do with objectives, instructions, and the value and promotion of autonomy in the task to advance students’ self-regulation. Task assessment addresses the role of evaluation criteria, feedback, and self-assessment opportunities. In conclusion, teacher training in strategies that promote self-regulated learning based on the proposed guidelines is necessary and convenient. Also, the effectiveness of the guidelines in specific self-regulated learning processes should be continuously and empirically demonstrated.

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Valencia-Serrano, M. (2020). Diseño de tareas para promover aprendizaje autorregulado en la universidad. Educación y Educadores23(2), 267-290. https://doi.org/10.5294/edu.2020.23.2.6

Recibido: 27/08/2019

Aceptado: 06/04/2020

Publicado: 04/08/2020


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Author Biography

Marcela Valencia Serrano, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali

Psicóloga, Magister en Educación, Profesora del Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales de la Pontificia Universidad Cali


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How to Cite

Valencia Serrano, M. (2020). Diseño de tareas para promover aprendizaje autorregulado en la universidad. Educación Y Educadores, 23(2), 267–290. https://doi.org/10.5294/edu.2020.23.2.6



University pedagogy