English Literacy for Students with Hearing Loss
Language learning, language instruction, education of the deaf, research; bilingualism, teaching strategiesAbstract
For Colombian schools, it is imperative that students master their mother tongue and have the ability to learn and speak a second language, such as English, Italian, or French. Unfortunately, people with hearing loss do not have this opportunity since their first language is Colombian Sign Language and their second one is Spanish, and there are no institutes that teach them a third language. This review article contextualizes the reader with information on national and international educational experiences in teaching English to students with hearing loss as part of a dissertation that aims to identify the teaching-learning strategies employed in an English literacy course for these students. This research is qualitative with an ethnomethodological design. The population studied comprises the students enrolled in the course and their teacher, who authors this paper. These individuals were analyzed through the teacher’s narrative, class videos, and assignments completed by the students. This analysis showed that the teacher used motivational strategies to build and apply lasting knowledge while the students implemented interaction and knowledge application strategies.
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