Emotional Effects and Coping Strategies in Mexican University Students during COVID-19





Emotions, behavior, higher education, university student, pandemic


This study focused on analyzing Mexican university students’ emotional effects and coping strategies during COVID-19 lockdown. Participants were 1,290 students from different Higher Education Institutions who answered an online self-report questionnaire. We carried out descriptive, gender comparative, and regression analyses. Results indicated gratitude, joy, and hope as the primary emotions experienced by university students. However, women experienced more emotions associated with uncertainty, including anxiety. The coping strategies implemented more frequently were those that contributed to reinterpreting the situation. Different factors, such as living with the family, walking/running, and having a personal study space and technological resources, favored positive emotions. On the contrary, going to the doctor was the main vulnerability factor associated with fear, sadness, anxiety, and confusion. From these results, it is necessary to plan educational and social actions to support young people to best cope with this complex reality. It implies adjustments to the educational experience and the relational life in general, considering that adverse situations can also cause students to have positive experiences and continue their online studies.


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How to Cite

Gaeta González, M. L., Rodríguez Guardado, M. del S., & Gaeta González, L. (2022). Emotional Effects and Coping Strategies in Mexican University Students during COVID-19. Educación Y Educadores, 25(1), e2512. https://doi.org/10.5294/edu.2022.25.1.2



Pedagogical research