Demands for Initial Teacher Education from Schools in Different Socio-economic Contexts




Challenging schools, primary teacher education, initial teacher education, educational opportunities, equality in educational opportunities


The current education of primary school teachers requires preparation for socio-educational diversity and social justice. To this end, university programs should dialogue with the practical experiences of pre-service teachers in the classroom to nurture reflection and learning that prevent the creation or confirmation of stereotypes about students, their families, or the neighborhoods and communities they are part of. Combining qualitative and comparative aspects, the present research sought to investigate the education demands of 41 future primary teachers from a university in Santiago de Chile who attended practicum activities in schools of high socio-economic vulnerability or high socio-economic level. The results and discussion highlight the need for a reflective professionalization for diversity that avoids the entrenchment of polarized and reductionist stereotypes in initial teacher education that may occur in all socio-economic contexts. Similarly, it problematizes the relationship between university and school in the context of the practical training of teachers.


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How to Cite

Roa-Tampe, K., & Zenteno Silva, C. J. (2022). Demands for Initial Teacher Education from Schools in Different Socio-economic Contexts. Educación Y Educadores, 25(1), e2513.



Pedagogical research