Significance of Educational Organizations in the Present Century




Learning, change, management, organizations, resilience


The article aims to substantiate the meaning of educational organizations in this century by reviewing various academic sources. The method followed is the narrative review with the following study categories: concept, elements, functions, dimensions, and trends. The results are narrated, providing clues as to the how, what, why, and which of the educational organization and trends such as knowledge management, organizational learning, and organizational change and resilience. The main conclusion is that we are in times of change. Still, the structures of organizations remain static, avoiding change, renewal, and constant learning. Although they have faced uncertainty resiliently, they do not incorporate what they have learned systemically.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Huarcaya, A. O. (2023). Significance of Educational Organizations in the Present Century. Educación Y Educadores, 25(3), e2531.



Management of Educational Institutions