The Teachers' Leadership


  • Luz Yolanda Sandoval Author Universidad de La Sabana


The article states the current problematic and panorama of leadership and focuses its attention, speciaily on the educator as a professional and human being ; it analyzes the crisis of leadership, the social and professional educator's image and points out the actions and research carried out in Colombia. It also presents the educator's motivations for the development of the leadership. It describes a pedagogical proposal to develop the educator's leadership, structured upon the anthropologicai and pedagogical fundaments. It identifies the values that an educator should transmit and the virtues he should experience to be and ethic leader, the aptitudes and skills he should develop and perfection in order to be efficient, knowledge he should acquire and the means he should use in order to develop his leadership.


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Author Biography

Luz Yolanda Sandoval, Universidad de La Sabana

Investigadora principal de la llnea investigativa: "Liderazgo en el ámbito educativo", Coordinadora y profesora de la Maestría en Educación Universidad de La Sabana.

How to Cite

Sandoval, L. Y. (2009). The Teachers’ Leadership. Educación Y Educadores, 2, 107–116. Retrieved from



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