Las Ciencias Sociales: una búsqueda de sentido. El caso de Colombia en Latinoamérica


  • Sebastian Londoño Camacho Author Universidad de los Andes


This paper explores some of the characteristics of research in Social Sciences -specifically in Colombia, emphasizing on the methodologies brought from European academies with traditions and history different from the local ones, which are applied to the analyses of our social problems. The generation of particular epistemologies for the foundation of science is discussed within the specific geo-political and sociological framework of the Latin American region, and an integration of efforts is proposed in order to establish adequate parameters of anthropological and sociological analysis of local cultural and social phenomena, in order to satisfy research needs from points of view which observe the particularity of the context and of the relations that have historically been outlined in Latin America.


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Author Biography

Sebastian Londoño Camacho, Universidad de los Andes

Antropólogo, Universidad de los Andes. Candidato a Maestría en Antropología Social, Universidad de los Andes.

How to Cite

Londoño Camacho, S. (2009). Las Ciencias Sociales: una búsqueda de sentido. El caso de Colombia en Latinoamérica. Educación Y Educadores, 6, 223–230. Retrieved from


