Scientific Realm of Political Training: Conceptual Elements and Lines of Research


  • Ramiro Gastón Lobatón Patiño Author Universidad Católica del Maule, Chile


Political training, political training skills, political didactics, civic education, German education (Source, Unesco Thesaurus).


The study analyzes the scientific research that has been developed in Germany on the discipline of political training. It depicts the foundations of political training as a realm of scientific study in pedagogy. The critical-hermeneutical method is used, and the objective of the study is characterized based on a review of contemporary German literature. The explanation of training as a scientific field is based on three components: theory of political training, didactic policy and practice. Results: The study shows the theory of political training defends a concept of critical democratic citizenship that promotes intellective capabilities and skills not only to understand, analyze and emit political judgments, but also to develop responsible actions within a democratic society. The analysis of didactic policy picks up the theoretical debate, acknowledging the constitutive quality of this scientific field by pointing to its synoptic nature and its relationship with baseline and specialty concepts. The article ends with an indication of the lines of research developed in Germany within the field of political training and the results.

DOI: 10.5294/edu.2016.19.2.5




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Author Biography

Ramiro Gastón Lobatón Patiño, Universidad Católica del Maule, Chile

Licenciado en Filosofía en la Universidad Católica de Bolivia, Magister en Formación docente e innovación en la Universidad virtual de Barcelona y doctor en Ciencias de la Educación en la Universidad de Tubingen. Actualmente es académico en la facultad de Ciencias Religiosas y Filosóficas de la Universidad Católica del Maule, Chile.



How to Cite

Lobatón Patiño, R. G. (2016). Scientific Realm of Political Training: Conceptual Elements and Lines of Research. Educación Y Educadores, 19(2), 254–274. Retrieved from



Educational theory