Personal and Professional Identity of Pre-School Teachers in the Santa Marta district


  • María Dilia Mieles-Barrera Iliana Margarita Henríquez-Linero, Ligia María Sánchez-Castellón Author


Teacher identity, Teacher education, Colombia, Educational research, Training (Source, Unesco Thesaurus).


This article presents a study done by the Research Group on Early Childhood Education at the Universidad de Magdalena in Santa Marta, Colombia. The study was designed to prompt reflection and recognition among the participants on the aspects that characterize them at a personal and professional
level, to explore how they are perceived by other teachers, teaching directors and parents, and to delve into the expectations all these actors have with in terms of what preschool education should be.

The main findings reflect a personal identity characterized by a sense of belonging to the Caribbean culture, religiousness, a high regard for family unity, the capacity for self-critique and the presence of certain fears. As for the professional aspect, the more outstanding characteristics include a receptiveness to change, a willingness to work as part of a team, resourcefulness and lack of certification and refresher training. For the most part, those who participated in the study find that preschool education is undervalued in the realm of public policy on education, and believe that fundamental changes are in order with respect to the meaning and orientation of education at this level.


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Author Biography

María Dilia Mieles-Barrera Iliana Margarita Henríquez-Linero, Ligia María Sánchez-Castellón

María Dilia Mieles-Barrera, MAgíaster en Educación. Universidad del Norte , Barranquilla. Colombia. Docente.  Universidad de Magdalena, Facultad de Educación. Sanata Marta. Colombia. Directora del Gripo de Investigación en Educación Infantil. -

Iliana Margarita Henríquez-Linero, Especialista en Docencia Universitaria. Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia. Santa Marta, Colombia. Docente, Universidad de Magadalena, Facultad de Educación. anta Marta, Colombia.

Ligia María Sánchez-Castellón, Especialista en Metodología de la Enseñanza y la Literatura, Universidad de Pamplona, Pamplona, Colombia. Docente. Universidad de MAgadalena. Facultad de Educación. Santa Marta, Colombia.

How to Cite

Iliana Margarita Henríquez-Linero, Ligia María Sánchez-Castellón, M. D. M.-B. (2009). Personal and Professional Identity of Pre-School Teachers in the Santa Marta district. Educación Y Educadores, 12(1). Retrieved from



Pedagogical research