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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

The articles published by Educación y Educadores constitute significant contributions in many areas and at various levels of educational theory and practice. They are the result of rigorous research and study by the academic community and by all education professionals who want to collaborate with the journal. Summaries, letters to the editor, book reviews, institutional bulletins, obituaries, news, and translations of previously published articles, opinion columns and the like are not included.

Articles submitted for consideration that are commensurate with the type of work published in the journal must meet the following requirements:

a. Length. Between 9,000 and 4,000 words, including graphs, tables and illustrations. The consolidated bibliography or reference list is not part of the word count. (Updated: 08/06/2022)

b. Title. A minimum of 12 words.

c. Abstract. A minimum of 150 words and a maximum of 250, clearly explaining the subject, objectives, method or discussion, and the main conclusion.

d. Keywords  Six keywords, in accordance with the descriptors found in the UNESCO Thesaurus, so as to identify the article in international indexes.

e. Observations and footnotes. A footnote (bibliographic or explanatory) is marked with a superior or superscript number. However, an asterisk is used in some cases; for example, with an explanatory note that does not pertain to the text itself (e.g., editor's note, source, etc.).

Format of Articles Submitted for Consideration

Text: Times New Roman 12, double spacing, justified paragraph.

Titles: Use bold.

Footnotes: Times New Roman 10, single spacing, justified paragraph.

Articles are to be submitted in digital format (.doc or .docx MS Word).The text must be free of attributes such as tabs, the use of different fonts, ornamental icons, text highlighted in gray tones, or any other additions.

The resolution of images must be at least 300 dpi, JPG format.

Tables are to be submitted in MS Word or Excel. Illustrations (charts, diagrams, drawings, photographs, etc.) that are included to clarify or summarize information must be presented in high resolution TIF or JPG format (300 dpi).  All graphics, tables and illustrations appearing in the printed version of the journal will be published in grayscale.

  • Documents to be Submitted with the Article

a. Submitting an Article. All articles are to be forwarded through the Open Journal System (OJS). To do so, you must register with the OJS at

The system generates a username and password. This is your identification as an author for all editorial procedures related to the journal, such as tracking the status of your article or submitting new material for possible publication.

Information on the Author. All articles are to be accompanied by an author identification sheet that contains the following information: author’s full name, ORCID, institution where the author’s academic work is conducted, city, country, mailing address and e-mail address. A list of works published by the author(s) during the last three years, if any, must be included.  This information must be cited in the first footnote of the document to be presented.

b. Declaration of Originality. All articles submitted to Educación y Educadores must be accompanied by a declaration of originality that is signed by each of the authors. There are no exceptions to this requirement. The form included at the end of these instructions must be completed for that purpose.

All articles must be original and may not be under simultaneous consideration for publication in another journal or book.

Educación y Educadores reserves the right to make changes in the form or structure of articles to adapt them to the style of the journal. All articles submitted must be original works and must not be under consideration for publication in another journal or a book.

Each of the authors listed in a published article will receive a copy of the issue of the journal in which the article appears.


We ask kindly to all our authors to put the DOI of every article in their reference section, or to put the URL from the site it was retreived from.

Citations (in-text) and bibliographic references are to be identified and credited according to the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition.

  • Article in an Academic Journal

Surname, first name initial (year, date appearing in the journal). Title of the article. Title of the journal in italics, issue of the publication, number of the first page of the article, number of the last page of the article.


Biltereyst, D. (1992). Language and culture as ultimate barriers? An analysis of the circulation, consumption and popularity of fiction in small European countries. European Journal of Communication,7, 517-540.

  • Article in an Academic Journal Online

Surname, first name initial (year of the journal). Title of the article. Title of the journal in italics, issue of the journal, number of the first page of the article, number of the last page of the article.  Retrieved from URL

If the citation ends with an Internet address, it is not followed by a period.


López, J. R. (1997). Tecnologías de comunicación e identidad: interfaz, metáfora y virtualidad. Razón y Palabra, 2 (7). Retrieved from

If it has DOI:

Surdez, E. G., Sandoval, M del C. y Lamoyi, C. L. (2018). Satisfacción estudiantil en la valoración de la calidad educativa universitaria. Educación y Educadores, 21(1), 9-26. doi: 10.5294/edu.2018.21.1.1

  • Books

Surname, first name initial (year). Title. City: Publisher.


Codina, L. (1996). El Libro digital: una exploración sobre la información electrónica y el futuro de la edición. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya, Centro de Investigación de la Comunicación.

  • Books by Corporate Authors

Name of the institution or organization. (year). Title (ed. no.). City: Publisher.


American Psychological Association. (1998). Publication Manual of the APA (4 ed.). Washington: APA.

  • Chapters or Parts of a Book

Surname, first name initial (year). Chapter title. Initial and last name of the editor of the book (ed.), Title of the book (pp. number of the first page of the chapter, number last page of the chapter). City: Publisher.


Kisch, H. (1986). De la industria textil en Silesia y Renania: un estudio comparativo de sus procesos de industrialización. En P. Kriedte (ed.), Industrialización antes de la industrialización(pp. 266-298). Barcelona: Crítica.

The footnotes should contain only explanatory notes.

The reference list is presented at the end of the article, in alphabetical order, by author, and chronologically in relation to the same author.

Works to be submitted for review must be sent through the OJS online editing system. To do so, they must be registered on the website.

  • Presentation of the Reference List

References are to be listed in alphabetical order, according to the author’s surname (or the surname of the first author, if the work is by multiple authors), maintaining the same structure and form stipulated in the foregoing points. In the case of references to chapters in a book, articles that are part of a collective work and journal articles, the first and last page of the work must be cited in full.

For editing and indexing purposes, it is extremely important to provide complete information in all bibliographical references (author, year, title, city and publisher). These references are to be listed at the end of the article and should be cited in a footnote within the text, pursuant to the order in which the citations appear therein. When citing a work published in a foreign language, the author's name, the title of the book, the city and the publisher are listed in the original language. Possible additional literature not mentioned in the text should be listed in keeping with the rules for references, unnumbered and in alphabetical order, according to the surname of the first author.

All references must be complete.  This is indispensable. Otherwise, the article will not be sent for peer review and will be returned immediately to the author so the references can be perfected. Inaccuracies or errors in references can halt the publishing process for an article.

Please contact us if you have questions.  To do so, click here.

Anti-plagiarism software


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Educación y Educadores journal, since 2019, uses Turnitin to check the papers before they go in the peer-review process.

Archived manuscripts ("Archived" status)

If your article is rejected for any reason, you will receive an email regarding this and your manuscript will automatically be filed on our platform as an "Archived" submission.

The archived status does not mean that your article is no longer unpublished or that it is in an active process with the journal. Therefore, it can be sent to another publication. The rejection email is proof of this.

If you have a specific request on this subject, we request to email us to

Policy added: 2020/04/20

Privacy Statement

This journal and its contents are the property of Universidad de La Sabana and, therefore, may be accessed solely for reading or printing, as a personal copy, but not for profit. Prior authorization from Universidad de La Sabana is required for any other use, such as the reproduction, transformation, public communication or distribution of said material for a profit.

The names and email addresses included in this jorunal shall be used solely for the declared purposes of this journal and shall not be made available for any other purpose or to any other person.

The articles published in this journal represent the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Universidad de La Sabana.