

Educación y Educadores takes the following steps to ensure the observance of international standards of ethics for scientific publications.

  1. It has an Ethics Committee that operates according to the guidelines established by the Research Department at Universidad de La Sabana and by the Ethics Committee for Scientific Publications (COPE).   The members of the Ethics Committee include the editor of the journal, the managing editor and a representative of the Scientific and Editorial Board.
  1. Cases Involving Conflict of Interest:

Conflicts of interest that arise at a point in the publishing process are handled by the Ethics Board, which will resolve the impasse.

An author who identifies a conflict of interest before starting the publishing process must report it promptly to the journal, so a decision can be reached.

The reviewer must inform the Editorial Board of any conflict of interest attributed to financial relations, institutional affiliation or personal acquaintance with the author(s) of the document the reviewer has been asked to evaluate.

No article involving conflict of interest will be submitted by the Editorial Board for review until the situation has been resolved.  If the conflict of interest cannot be settled, the article will be withdrawn from the publishing process.

  1. Right to Reproduce Articles:

Educación y Educadores is entitled to reproduce the articles it publishes. However, any such reproduction for lucrative purposes must be approved expressly by editor of the journal or by the Editorial Board.

  1. Errata:

If a significant error is found in the publication of an article, the corresponding author shall cooperate, in conjunction with the Editorial Board, on publishing an erratum or, if appropriate, should consider removing the article.

  1. Policy on Plagiarism:

All material sent through the OJS will be used only with the expressed consent of the authors.

The author must ensure that all quotes in the text are properly cited, so as to acknowledge sources and give academic credit.

If plagiarism is found, the article will be removed from the editorial process and an official copy will be sent to the appropriate entity so legal action may be taken.

  1. Ethical Standards for Authors:

Authors must guarantee the information contained in their written text is accurate and includes the evidence necessary to support the data and analysis presented therein. They also must ensure that every person who made a significant contribution to the work is listed as one of the authors.

Authors must sign a declaration of originality certifying that all the information is properly cited.

Authors must ensure their text has not been published in another journal or in any other medium for the dissemination of scholarly content.  The article must not infringe on the copyrights or property rights of another person or entity.

  1. Ethical Standards for Reviewers

All reviewers agree to hold in strict confidence the information contained in the procedures and contents submitted for their review. They shall refrain from conveying to third parties, disclosing or publishing all or part of the documents they have agreed to review, or to use them in a way other than as requested by the journal.

The commitment to confidentiality does not cease upon completion of the review process.  A work may be cited only after it is published and by making proper use of the rules on citation.

The reviewer must demonstrate a willingness to comply with the review process in terms of the time and rigor indicated by the journal.

The reviewers agree to issue objective and respectful opinions with proper academic justification. For that reason, they shall not accept any academic product if they do not feel qualified to review it.

  1. Ethical Standards for the Board:

The Editorial Board agrees to keep the affiliation and identity of the authors and reviewers anonymous, and will not reveal the contents of any article before it is published.

The Scientific and Editorial Board is responsible for accepting the articles to be published. Its decisions in that sense are based on the journal’s editorial guidelines and the opinions of the peer reviewers.

The Ethics Committee of Educación y Educadores will rule on ethical conflicts, doing so pursuant to the guidelines set by COPE.

  1. Ethical Standards for Editors:

It is the responsibility of the editor to ensure the quality and transparency of the editorial process.  The editor also must guarantee compliance with all guidelines, obligations, rights and duties pertaining to the various members and participants in the journal, in their different categories.