Training, Growth and Virtue: Aims of Education




Educational anthropology, moral development, education, training, educational philosophy, teaching practice, educational theory


The purpose of this article is to review and put into perspective certain anthropological foundations involved in educational work around the end of education, highlighting that teaching practice cannot avoid them. For the author, it is worth noting that the anthropological components and scope of the aims of education must constitute the center of all educational endeavors. Thus, from the perspective of the philosophy of education, this approach is in line with retaking concepts from the classical philosophy of realism with an Aristotelian basis, to renew the formative commitment that education implies today. Specifically, the author states that, returning to the classical conception of paideia, educating is mainly training. In conclusion, the author emphasizes that educational work, especially in the school environment, has the purpose of effectively helping students reach the fullness of their personal being, specifying five purposes in this process: to inspire students to be surprised about reality and also to awaken their interest in learning and training themselves; educate character around truth, goodness and beauty; develop virtues so that students live in coherence with their existential purposes; training supposes a process of personalization, of personal growth; and finally that education is oriented towards the profound growth of the interior life.


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How to Cite

Gómez Veas, G. (2023). Training, Growth and Virtue: Aims of Education. Educación Y Educadores, 26(1), e2611.



Educational theory