Teacher Training and Climate Change Education: A Comparison between Spain and Colombia





Future literacy, climate change, geography teaching, teacher training, disaster risk reduction


This research addresses teacher training on climate change education to compare teacher training processes in the face of the environmental crisis, the proposed didactic activities, and the pedagogical training received. The method is based on an explanatory case study with 493 pre-service teachers from the Social Sciences and Geography programs of Universidad de Valencia (Spain) and Universidad Francisco José de Caldas (Colombia) between 2018 and 2022. The process is carried out with a questionnaire whose results contrast the training proposals that prioritize information and resources with the existence of specific courses on climate change, as well as the value of field trips of an environmental nature. The main conclusion is aimed at the conscious training of teachers on climate change, the reflection on environmental problems, and explicit environmental training for younger cohorts. In this way, education would loom large in achieving greater socio-territorial resilience to present and future climate change scenarios.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Pizzinato, L. A., & Morote, Álvaro F. (2024). Teacher Training and Climate Change Education: A Comparison between Spain and Colombia. Educación Y Educadores, 26(2), e2624. https://doi.org/10.5294/edu.2023.26.2.4



University pedagogy