Teaching Strategies to Teach Chemistry in Higher Education


  • Marisa Julia Sandoval Author Universidad Tecnológica Nacional
  • María Ester Mandolesi Author Universidad Tecnológica Nacional
  • Rafael Omar Cura Author Universidad Tecnológica Nacional


Chemistry, active learning, engineering, education strategies, university, student


Because of the learning difficulties in science during the initial stages of engineeringcareers, teaching strategies were designed and applied that were addressed atgenerating essential abilities and skills in order for our professionals to be locallyand internationally competitive. This article presents how these activities evolvedfrom 2006 to 2011 within the frame of project “Initial Learning in Engineering andLOI” undertaken in the National Technological University at Bahia Blanca, provinceof Buenos Aires, Argentina. The said strategies have been implemented in GeneralChemistry and Applied Chemistry courses. The approaching methodology is qualitativeand it allowed observing the following: improvement in interdisciplinary work,increased critical and self reflective capacity, debate and defense of knowledge, employingcomprehensive operations, student autonomy in learning processes, and improvedoral and written communication.


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Author Biography

Marisa Julia Sandoval, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional

Bahía Blanca- Provincia de Buenos Aires



How to Cite

Sandoval, M. J., Mandolesi, M. E., & Cura, R. O. (2013). Teaching Strategies to Teach Chemistry in Higher Education. Educación Y Educadores, 16(1). Retrieved from https://educacionyeducadores.unisabana.edu.co/index.php/eye/article/view/2283



University pedagogy