Domain-Specific Metacognitive Judgments




Health sciences, cognition, decision, metacognition, reasoning


Metacognitive judgments have been epistemologically linked to beliefs about their experiences, knowledge, and learning fluency. Didactics can explore these judgments within the context of specific scientific domains. This study aims to examine metacognitive judgments through content analysis of medical students’ speeches at a public university in Colombia. Using a descriptive qualitative methodology, we investigated metacognitive judgments during clinical simulations of reasoning tasks. The findings reveal two primary types of metacognitive judgments in clinical reasoning: recapitulation judgments and hypothesis-based judgments, along with judgments grounded in ontological beliefs. This study contributes to the development of a taxonomy of domain-specific metacognitive judgments, encompassing both epistemic and ontological beliefs.


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How to Cite

Álvarez Ríos, J. (2024). Domain-Specific Metacognitive Judgments. Educación Y Educadores, 26(3).



University pedagogy