Back to Rigor: Education as a Path to Social Development




Pedagogical approaches, Friedrich Hayek, memory and learning, teaching methods, contemporary pedagogy


The rejection of memorization and demand as central elements of learning is a trend in contemporary pedagogy, which can be understood as an expression of Marxist epistemology. To this is added the fallacy ad septentrionem, which consists in arguing that Nordic educational models reject memorization and demand, to give way to creative and collaborative logic. However, these ideological assumptions are problematic from their philosophical foundation to their practical effectiveness. I propose an alternative approach based on the conception of the individual from the perspective of the Nobel Prize in Economics (1974) Friedrich Hayek, which recovers the pedagogy of demand and the importance of memory, to make Colombian education a true path of social development.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Puentes, M. (2024). Back to Rigor: Education as a Path to Social Development. Educación Y Educadores, 26(2), e2625.



Educational theory