Peadagogical Lessons from the Healthy Redaers Teaching Strategy


  • Luis Reinaldo Alvis-Estrada Author Universidad de Cartagena
  • Edna Gómez-Bustamante Author Universidad de Cartagena
  • Jannina Yuseska Alvis-Zakzuk Author Universidad de Cartagena
  • Nelson Rafael Alvis-Guzmán Author Universidad de Cartagena
  • Elvira Flórez-Nisperuza Author Universidad del Atlántico


Education, pedagogical research, research on reading, educational strategies


The study presents the results of assessing the implementation of the Healthy Readers(Lectores Saludables) teaching strategy in rural schools of the ColombianCaribbean. The purpose of the strategy was to strengthen teaching practices withliterary animation resources and tools that can result in developing healthy habitsand behaviors in elementary school children. It was a qualitative ethnographic studyapplied to administrators, teachers, students and parents in these schools. The strategyenabled recovering the quality of curriculum, pedagogical and teaching management,strengthening school culture, improving self-care practices in the academiccommunity in general.


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How to Cite

Alvis-Estrada, L. R., Gómez-Bustamante, E., Alvis-Zakzuk, J. Y., Alvis-Guzmán, N. R., & Flórez-Nisperuza, E. (2013). Peadagogical Lessons from the Healthy Redaers Teaching Strategy. Educación Y Educadores, 16(1). Retrieved from



Pedagogical research