Development of Personality and Social Virtues: Relationships in the Educational Context of the Family


  • Consuelo Martínez Priego Author Centro Universitario Villanueva (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
  • María Elena Anaya Hamue Author Universidad Panamericana, Campus Guadalajara, México
  • Daniela Salgado Author Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara, México


Social education, family education, education for interculturality, building character, social virtues (Source, Unesco Thesaurus).


Multiculturalism has led to rethinking the problem of social consistency, which is the cohesion between the various members of society. Psychological and pedagogic conditions linked to the family context can be studied to address the problem of education. It is conditions within the family-family styles and dynamics - that enable a harmonious development of personality that allows for sociability. There are also family ties, which are a condition to develop what are known as "social" virtues. The purpose of this study is to describe the ties that link family education to the two variables in question: personality development and acquisition of the virtues that promote social consistency. Observations are included that point to the real link that exists between personality and the development of virtues.


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Author Biography

Consuelo Martínez Priego, Centro Universitario Villanueva (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

Dra. En Psicología por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Tesis doctoral: Hombre, urdimbre y personalidad en Rof Carballo. Dra. en Filosofía por la Universidad de Navarra. Tesis doctoral: El argumento Ontológico en G.W. Leibniz. Master en Dirección de Centros Educativos (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia y Fomento de Centros de Enseñanza). Prof. titular de Teoría y Sociología de la Educación en el Centro Universitario Villanueva (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) y Prof. de Sociedad, Familia y Educación en el Master de Educación Secundaria de la misma universiadad. También Prof. De Antropología de la Acción Directiva en el Master de Dirección de Centros Educativos.



How to Cite

Martínez Priego, C., Anaya Hamue, M. E., & Salgado, D. (2015). Development of Personality and Social Virtues: Relationships in the Educational Context of the Family. Educación Y Educadores, 17(3). Retrieved from



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