Basic Values of the Teaching Staff: An Approach Based on Shalom Schwartz’s Axiological Model


  • Cristián David Expósito Author Dirección de Estadísticas e Investigaciones Económicas - Gobierno de Mendoza - Argentina Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


Value system, social values, education, teacher training, higher education


Valores básicos del profesorado: una aproximación desde el modelo axiológico de Shalom Schwartz

Valores básicos do professorado: uma aproximação a partir do modelo axiológico de Shalom Schwartz

DOI: 10.5294/edu.2018.21.2.7

Educational axiology is not only a set of inherent and explicit rules with respect to education; it constitutes its very core. What is valuable lies in the essence of the educational act, transcending all formal limits. When we speak of “quality criteria” or standards for teaching, axiology becomes an element that is essential to ensure comprehensive education. In this article, the authors look at the make-up of one’s personal axiological structure, based on a descriptive analysis of the Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ) by Shalom Schwartz. A sample of 337 participants, including practicing teachers and those in training, was used to approximate the values that predominate in the composition of a teacher’s identity with respect to values. The authors maintain that the different axiological profiles charted by the PVQ are manifest in each classroom and lend true meaning to the study of values in the field of education. According to the authors, the data obtained in the study shows high levels of reliability and internal consistency in the values analyzed with the Schwartz PVQ. In general, they were able to verify that practicing teachers and those in training are consistent when it comes to self-transcendence, since the values they possess are oriented more towards benevolence and universalism, which are typical of an altruistic or collectivist profile.


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Author Biography

Cristián David Expósito, Dirección de Estadísticas e Investigaciones Económicas - Gobierno de Mendoza - Argentina Universidad Nacional de Cuyo

Dr. Cristián David Expósito

Doctor en Educación por la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Profesor en Ciencias de la Educación y Diplomado Universitario en Gestión Educativa por la misma Universidad. Investigador del área de educación de la Dirección de Estadísticas e Investigaciones Económicas (DEIE) del Gobierno de la Provincia de Mendoza - Argentina. Mail:


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How to Cite

Expósito, C. D. (2018). Basic Values of the Teaching Staff: An Approach Based on Shalom Schwartz’s Axiological Model. Educación Y Educadores, 21(2), 307–325. Retrieved from



Educational theory